鬼泣5白金心得 白金奖杯解锁条件

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鬼泣5白金心得,获得白金奖杯,几乎成了每个主机玩 家的终极目标,下面就为大家分享下我的白金心得,希望对你们有所帮助。一起来看看看小编给大家带来的鬼泣5白金心得吧。

鬼泣5白金心得 白金奖杯解锁条件

铜杯:A man with guts and honor

Reach the end of the descent on Mission 6 having killed all of the enemies---第六关到达下水道前杀完所有敌人


铜杯:Now my coat's all charred

Navigate the Sky Bridge on Mission 16 without hitting the lasers---16关通过天桥时无伤通过镭射激光环节


铜杯:Where does the time go?

Complete a level with 2 minutes or less on the clock---2分钟内完成一个关卡

获得方法:十五关the trade,时间很充裕,不用理会敌人,走流程即可

铜杯:For Tony Redgrave

Kill 50 enemies using nothing but firearms---使用枪械杀死50个敌人

获得方法:平时不用枪械杀人的话,heaven or hell难度第十关,bad news,打BOB那个躲在荧幕后的鸟人,打完一条血之后,会转移到另外一个区域,会出杂兵,疯狂的按方框键吧,一轮下来就有50个人

铜杯:In the name of my father

Kill 100 enemies using nothing but Demon weapons---使用恶魔系武器杀死100个敌人


铜杯:You'll never have her fire

Kill 100 enemies using nothing but Angel weapons---使用天使系武器杀死100个敌人



Slay 100 Demons---杀死100个敌人


铜杯:Bring it on!

Slay 1,000 Demons---杀死1000个敌人


银杯:Looks like we have a winner

Slay 5,000 Demons---杀死5000个敌人

获得方法:要白金此游戏,需要6周目,一周目800人,剩余人数可以去第十关刷,heaven or hell难度


Gain a SSS Style Rank during combat---获得一次SSS评价


铜杯:It's showtime. Come on!

Earn 1,500 Style Bonuses---打出1500次招式连击


铜杯:This is my kind of rain

Spend 10,000 Red Orbs---消费1万红魂

获得方法:见下面的Absolutely crazy about it奖杯

铜杯:Absolutely crazy about it

Spend 50,000 Red Orbs---消费5万红魂


铜杯:Let’s rock, baby!

Upgrade Dante's health to maximum---升级到满血


铜杯:You can't handle it

Upgrade Dante's Devil Trigger to maximum---魔人能量升级最大化


银杯:Power... Give me more power!

Purchase all of Dante's combat upgrades---购买所有招数


铜杯:Dude, the show's over!

Find all of the Keys---找到所有钥匙


铜杯:Let's welcome chaos!

Open all of the Secret Doors---打开所有隐藏任务大门


铜杯:And you are set free

Free half of the Lost Souls---救赎一半的失落之魂


银杯:Fill your dark soul with light

Free all of the Lost Souls---救赎所有的失落之魂


银杯:Keeps getting better and better

Gain a 100% completion rank on all missions---所有关卡均实现收集率100%



Complete a mission with a SSS rank---过关时获得关卡SSS评价


银杯:Too easy!

Complete all missions on the Son of Sparda difficulty---斯巴达之子难度通关

获得方法:难度较human, devil hunter, Nephilim上升,敌人的出现顺序提前,高等兵会出现在前几关

金杯:Devils never cry

Complete all missions on the Dante Must Die difficulty---但丁必死难度通关


铜杯:This is what I live for!

Complete all missions on the Heaven or Hell difficulty---天堂?地狱?难度通关


金杯:And welcome to Hell!

Complete all missions on the Hell and Hell difficulty---地狱,还是地狱难度通关



Complete all missions on the Nephilim difficulty with a SSS rank---Nephilim难度全部关卡得到SSS评价

获得方法:三要素,招式得分、过关时间、收集率,首先收集率100%后不用关心了。此难度的敌人出现顺序基本和human难度一致,敌人击中你时伤血加大,但整体难度不高,情愿中断招式也别被敌人击中,确保当前评价可以在下一波进攻时得到延续,大多数关卡的招式得分需要在25万以上。过关时间,只要不接关,不会有太大问题。特别说明一点,17关困扰了很多人,本人拿到SSS时,招式得分在25万以上,一次24万9都是SS评价,最后综合评价是SS。此关开始时,务必往右走,有红蓝两将,杀完也可以得到1万至2万的分数,不要错过了。来到第一个大平台,杂兵+电锯的组合,迅速往前跑,背对电锯,开始连击,如果有太多的杂兵被电锯干掉,建议读取check point,后面的战斗比较宽裕,可以慢慢打,25万不是难事,多练

铜杯:This party's just getting crazy!

Complete 10 Secret Missions---完成10个隐藏任务

获得方法:参考One hell of a party!奖杯

银杯:One hell of a party!

Complete all of the Secret Missions---完成所有的隐藏任务



1. Air Brawl - Enemies only take damage in the air

2. Simple Traversal - Reach the goal within the time limit

3. Simple Eradication - Kill all enemies within the time limit

4. Demonic Conflict - Enemies only take damage from demon weapons

5. Angelic Warfare - Enemies only take damage from angel weapons

6. Rapid Descent - Reach all of the goals within the time limit

7. A Taste of Heaven - Enemies and Dante die in one hit

8. Stylish Victory - Gain an S rank within the time limit

9. Bait And Switch - Enemies only take damage while the demon evade bonus is active

10. The Power Within - Kill all enemies before Dantes Devil Trigger expires

11. What Goes Around - Enemies only take damage from other enemies attacks

12. Moderate Traversal - Reach the goal within the time limit

13. Flawless Conquest - Kill all enemies without taking any damage

14. Colossal Triumph - Kill the Tyrant within the time limit

15. Hasty Acquisition - Gain the target number of red orbs within the time limit

16. Displaced Skirmish - Enemies only take damage from within the active zones

17. Divergent Slaughter - Do not use the same attack twice

18. Extreme Traversal - Reach the goal within the time limit

19. A Day In Hell - Dante dies in one hit

20. Subsistence - Survive until the timer expires

21. Shenanigans - Kill all enemies

本作白金比较简单,DMC系列高手可能全程都不会碰到困难,顺利白金,个人觉得简单的原因,没有血宫模式SSS评价,简单了很多,魔人形态很强,通过hell and hell难度不会有太多问题。
